Friday, April 8, 2016

Aluminum Sulfate in Deodorants and Other Products

People are growing increasingly concerned about the use of a variety of ingredients in their health and beauty products. They want the product to work as intended but are reluctant to purchase products that contain certain elements. Mixed reports exist with regard to using various products and whether they have ingredients that are linked to cancer or other health issues. One of the commonly asked questions is whether to use deodorants that contain aluminum sulfate. People soon discover aluminum sulfate and variations of this compound are found in deodorants and other products.

The Food and Drug Administration

According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is safe to use deodorants that contain aluminum sulfate. Other studies have indicated otherwise, but the results are not conclusive. This means people can use these deodorants and feel confident knowing they are deemed to be safe by the FDA. Aluminum sulfate can also be called cake alum and filter alum. Cake alum is often used in antiperspirants. Cake alum comes from three sulfate and two aluminum atoms. It is often a white crystalline solid at room temperatures.

Natural Deodorants Versus Mainstream Ones

Most of the mainstream deodorants found at pharmacies and mass merchants are made with aluminum sulfate, especially the solid products. There are also deodorants that are marketed as natural. Many consumers have discovered these natural deodorants also contain ingredients that are derivatives of alum. As a result, they might also have the same potential risks as deodorants that contain aluminum sulfate. Plus, the ingredients in mainstream deodorants have been FDA-approved to give consumers a feeling of confidence about these products.

An Antiperspirant Versus Fragrance

There are other products that can be used to mask underarm odors rather than eliminating them. Some of them might be naturally-based but they will not minimize perspiration or get rid of odors. Users may find the ultimate odor is even more unpleasant than regular body odor. These products can be costly and consumers are disappointed when they have an odd body scent or wet underarms. Antiperspirants with aluminum sulfate usually work as intended.

What Can People Do?

It makes sense for people to ask their doctors whether it is safe to use regular deodorants and antiperspirants. This way consumers can feel more comfortable about what they use. These products also contain an array of other ingredients, depending on the brand and formula. Users with sensitive skin should determine whether another ingredient could be causing any potential irritation. For some, it helps to use a basic, unscented product. Another option is to use a deodorant every other day rather than every day. The key is to find a product that works as intended and does not irritate your skin.

Personal care products vary and come in many formulations. It can take some shopping around to find the one that is ideal for your needs. Consider talking to your doctor and reading reviews to try to get a product that keeps you feeling dry and confident throughout the day. 

Seidler Chemical Co
537 Raymond Blvd
Newark, NJ 07105
(973) 465-1122

Products that Use Sorbitol as a Sugar Substitute

There are many reasons why people are trying to reduce their intake of sugar and products that contain sugar. One of the most commonly known sugar substitutes is sorbitol. Learn more about sorbitol and the products that use it as an alternative to sugar.

What is Sorbitol?

Sorbitol is actually a complex compound that is created through the reduction of glucose. As a result, it is a sugar alcohol that is made from corn syrup. However, sorbitol can also be made from certain fruits, including prunes, apples, pears, and peaches. What makes sorbitol appealing as a sugar substitute when it comes to flavor is its sweet taste. People who are craving a sweet flavor can turn to beverages and foods that contain sorbitol, which can also be referred to as glucitol.

Benefits of Using Sorbitol

There are an array of sugar substitutes to consider and all of them have their own unique advantages. Because of how it is made, sorbitol is not like other sugars such as fructose and glucose. Rather, sorbitol is metabolized slowly by the human body to help avoid blood sugar spikes that can occur from the consumption of other sugars.

Reasons for Using Sugar Substitutes

Americans have discovered many foods they eat secretly contain sugar. This can lead to obesity, heart issues, and health conditions such as type 2 diabetes. People who are trying to lose weight or maintain type 2 diabetes are typically advised to reduce their sugar intake. This can help them shed pounds and have healthier blood sugar levels. However, these people often crave sugary snacks. This can lead them to behaviors that are not wise for their health. Sugar substitutes give them the sweetness they want without the issues that could be caused by consuming sugar.

Products that Contain Sorbitol

There are an array of food and beverages products, as well as pharmaceuticals and more, that contain sorbitol. In fact, it is commonly used as a sugar substitute and is often found on the list of inactive ingredients when you read the labels on food and beverages. You might find sorbitol in diet foods, such as diet soda. Another product it is found in is sugar-free chewing gum and mints that help to freshen your breath. Additionally, it is used as a sweetener in cough syrups and other oral medications. Plus, sorbitol is used as a laxative for people of all ages because it acts to draw water out from the large intestines.

It can be difficult for Americans to eliminate sugar from their diets but often is is a lifesaving move. For this reason, sugar substitutes can be a benefit when you are trying to reduce your sugar intake. Sugar substitutes like sorbitol have a sweet taste that helps people combat their craving for sugar. It is found in satisfying foods and beverages used to take the edge off your urge to feast on sugary treats. This can help people keep their weight and blood sugar levels in check. 

Seidler Chemical Co
537 Raymond Blvd
Newark, NJ 07105
(973) 465-1122

The Benefits of Acetone Nail Polish Remover

The two basic types of nail polish remover are acetone nail polish remover and non-acetone varieties. While people are concerned about the harshness of acetone nail polish remover, there are many solid reasons to choose this version. Discover the benefits of acetone nail polish remover and how it should be used in your beauty regime.

What is Acetone?

Acetone actually occurs natural in plants, trees, and decomposing vegetation as well as volcanic gas. We also produce small traces of acetone in our bodies when they breakdown fat. Commercially speaking, it is industrially manufactured from propylene and benzene. This clear solvent is flammable and may also be found in products other than nail polish remover, such as paint remover, varnish, and superglue.

Removing Nail Polish Requires the Use of a Solvent

For those who are concerned about the term solvent, all types of nail polish removers contain one. This is necessary to break down certain ingredients in nail polish, such as color pigments and resins, that can be tough to remove. Acetone is powerful but can remove natural oils from your skin. It is important to hydrate your skin with a good moisturizer after using an acetone nail polish remover or any type of polish remover as it still contains harsh solvents such as isopropyl alcohol and ethyl acetate.

Benefits of Acetone Nail Polish Remover

Some women experience dry cuticles and skin from using acetone nail polish remover. This can be improved by using a cuticle oil and hand moisturizer after manicures and every day. Acetone nail polish remover is the most effective way to remove nail polish. It takes less time and effort to remove your nail polish than using a non-acetone nail polish remover. This is a major benefit when you are rushing to look your best for a special occasion and meeting. Plus, acetone nail polish does the most effective job of removing very dark nail polish colors, such as the popular black and berry colors used today. Also, it is the best way to remove no-chip manicures, such as shellac manicures. It is also the way to soak off acrylic nails and other nail tips.

What About Non-Acetone Nail Polish Remover?

While non-acetone nail polish removers are somewhat less irritating for some users, they still contain harsh solvents. Some incorporate moisturizing agents such as soy or glycerin to lessen the drying effect, but it still occurs. Plus, this moisturizing elements can be applied after using an acetone nail polish remover. It is hard work to try to remove nail polish with a non-acetone formula. This could mean rubbing harder, which is also damaging to your skin, cuticles and nails. This type of remover will not work on gel or shellac manicures. These no-chip manicures are a popular choice for busy women and must be soaked off between applications.

While the labels on non-acetone nail polish removers are enticing, most of it is marketing. They might be somewhat less harsh but cannot always get the job done. The conscientious use of acetone nail polish remover with a quality moisturizer is a winning combination for beautiful nails, cuticles, and hands.

Seidler Chemical Co
537 Raymond Blvd
Newark, NJ 07105
(973) 465-1122